15 April 2022 – Milan/Utrecht After the amazing success of its previous events in Prague, Belgrade, Tenerife, Istanbul, Riesa, London, Yerevan and Utrecht “Road to ONE” Heavyweight Kickboxing Tournament will pick up where it left off heading once again to the historical epicenter of European kickboxing, the Netherlands for the thrilling showdown of its quarterfinals.
In the amazing setting of the WFL Studio in Utrecht 8 of the best heavyweight male European kickboxers and namely Mourad Zakari (Spain/Morocco), Claudiu Istrate (Italia/Romenia), Gerardo Atti (Germany), Niknam Haghparast (Iran/Armenia), Nikola Filipovic (Serbia), Tomas Hron (Czech Republic), Ahmet Tiren (Turkey) and Kevin Osaro will finally face each other on the 30th April in order to keep pursuing a dream contract with ONE Championship.
Here the updated matchup:
Kevin Osaro VS Tomas Hron.
Mourad Zakari VS Ahmet Tiren.
Gerardo Atti VS Nikola Filipovic.
Claudiu Istrate VS Niknam Haghparast.
Winners Moises Baute and Rhys Brudenell unfortunately had to waive the call for various reasons and so, according to general elimination tournament rules, they have been replaced by their opponents in the qualification rounds.
The winners of this next epic event will then advance to the next stage, where they will compete in a one-night-only conclusion to this historic heavyweight tournament.
All our national champions have been training hard for this night spending countless hours in the gym and that’s why we are sure they will not let this opportunity slip offering a real trat for all European ONE Championship’s fans.
Fasten your seat belts: ROAD TO ONE Championship Europe is ready to TAKE OFF!
HowTo Watch
O2TV Sport: Czech Republic and Slovakia
Fight24: Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg
ONE Super App: Other regions and territories
Social Channels of GAMMA and VON in the Benelux
About ONE Championship™
ONE Championship ranks among the world’s top 10 sports media properties for viewership and engagement and has a cumulative reach of over 400 million fans, according to Nielsen. ONE produces and distributes world-class events across more than 150 countries, featuring martial artists and World Champions from over 80 nations and all styles of martial arts including MMA, Muay Thai, and kickboxing. ONE can be viewed on many of the largest global free-to-air and digital broadcasters, including Star Sports, Beijing TV, iQIYI, TV5, Turner Sports, SCTV, Startimes, Thairath TV, Skynet, Mediacorp, Great Sports, Spark Sport, Match TV, Dubai Sports, and more.
About VON – Vechtsport Organisatie Nederland
Vechtsport Organisatie Nederland is the sanctioning body for combat sports in the Netherlands. Working with local and worldwide promotions and International Federations.
About 1mma
1mma is a new European promotion that wants to bring combat sports closer to the people. The goal is to create a pathway for new talent to worldwide promotions and build stronger athletes.
15 aprile 2022 – Milano/Utrecht Dopo lo straordinario successo dei precedenti eventi a Praga, Belgrado, Tenerife, Istanbul, Riesa, Londra, Yerevan e Utrecht, il torneo di kickboxing dei pesi massimi “Road to ONE” riprende da dove aveva lasciato, ripartendo ancora una volta verso l’epicentro storico del kickboxing europeo, l’Olanda per l’emozionante resa dei conti dei quarti di finale.
Nella splendida cornice del WFL Studio di Utrecht 8 dei migliori kickboxer maschili europei dei pesi massimi e precisamente Mourad Zakari (Spagna/Marocco), Claudiu Istrate (Italia/Romenia), Gerardo Atti (Germania), Niknam Haghparast (Iran/Armenia), Nikola Filipovic (Serbia), Tomas Hron (Repubblica Ceca), Ahmet Tiren (Turchia) e Kevin Osaro si affronteranno finalmente il 30 aprile per proseguire la loro corsa verso contratto da sogno con ONE Championship.
Qui il match making aggiornato:
Kevin Osaro contro Tomas Hron.
Mourad Zakari contro Ahmet Tiren.
Gerardo Atti contro Nikola Filipovic.
Claudiu Istrate contro Niknam Haghparast.
I vincitori Moises Baute e Rhys Brudenell purtroppo hanno dovuto rinunciare ai rispettivi match per vari motivi e quindi, secondo le regole generali dei tornei ad eliminazione diretta, sono stati sostituiti dai loro avversari nei turni di qualificazione.
I vincitori di questo prossimo epico evento passeranno quindi alla fase successiva, dove si sfideranno in una ultima notte da sogno per questo storico torneo dei pesi massimi.
Tutti i nostri campioni si sono allenati duramente per questa notte mettendo ore interminabili di lavoro e tanto sudore in palestra per preparare questo evento che siamo sicuri lascerà a bocca aperta tutti i fan Europei di ONE Championship.
Allacciate le cinture di sicurezza: ROAD TO ONE Championship Europe è pronta al DECOLLO!
How to watch:
O2TV Sport: Repubblica Ceca e Slovacchia
Fight24: Paesi Bassi, Germania, Belgio e Lussemburgo
ONE Super App: per il resto dei territori
Canali Social di GAMMA e VON nel Benelux